Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy new year!

I can't believe that another year is gone.  And although there have been some trials that have tested my faith and broken my heart. I am so thankful for them, they have made me stronger and have brought me closer to God. I am able to start the new year with an overwhelming feeling of peace. Because there is so much more than what we can see, or understand. This passed year I have learned that faith means letting go of everything, and giving everything to God. And then waiting for him to unfold the plan that he has for me. I have learned that my timing is not necessarily God's timing. This has been a very hard lesson for me. I want things to happen now and the way I think they should. I am sure this lesson will continue on through the year 2012. I am so thankful for all of the good things that have happened in 2011. I had an amazing opportunity to go to Bulgaria. My eyes were opened to a world I did not know existed. I made some new friends and cannot wait to see them again when we go back in March. I am thankful for my foster son and for my Job. I have seen Mariah grow and learn so much this past year and I am excited to see what she will do next. My youngest is 4 going on 17. Miranda has grown into such an amazing person. And, soon she will graduate and face the world on her own. Chandler is a Junior. He has such a caring heart. I love watching him with my grandparents, he is the one who says we need to go visit them, and he is the first to sit by my grandpa and ask how he is doing. Savannah is a freshmen, and doing so well in school, I love how she is a friend to everyone. Travis and I celebrated our 10th anniversary. And, I am grateful for his support and being such a loving and caring Dad to our little girls. My motto for this year is from psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God" this scripture brings me great peace in a world that is so uncertain.  I am looking forward to 2012, I can't wait to see what God has planned for our family this year.

Christmas 2011

We had a really good Christmas. The older kids were with their dad so it was just the little ones. Cianna got a pink scooter and rides it everywhere. Mariah got a basket ball hoop but, won't let me play with her because I am a girl. she keeps telling me she needs a boy to play with her. Chandler got a gun and the big girls got makeup and clothes.

Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July fun continues at the cabin with Grandpa and Uncle James

Now that is a camping face

A pet worm? That is gross Cianna

Grandpa's Cabin

Playing in the creek


Fishing with Dad

Cianna and Uncle James

Cianna and her pet worm Allie

We spent the night up at the cabin with Grandpa Phil and Uncle James. We caught some fish, played in the stream. Mariah was scared of everything at night. she would not go to sleep, until Travis put her in bed with me she fell asleep instantly. By morning I had her and Cianna in bed with me and Travis was on the floor. The girls said the funnest part was riding in uncle James truck no seat belts on dirt roads! Cianna loved fishing especially the worms. She asked if the worm she was holding could be her pet. Mariah wanted nothing to do with the worms! Fun times. Thanks to my husband who worked hard to make it fun for the kids.

4th of July with Friends

After a hot day at the park the kids played in the water

Little Hallie

Cute Sophia

Yummy Popsicles


On Saturday we had our friends over for the 4th of July little carnival down at the park. We had a barbecue followed by some sparkler fun! Ivy and Mike have 4 girls. Alivia and Mariah are three months apart and Cianna and Sophie are just days apart.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

summer fun 2011

I finally got a good picture of here smiling instead of a fake smile

Love it!

Pure Joy!

Mariah stops to pose

I took the girls to the soak pad today. It is so fun to see Mariah not be afraid of water.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

One of my most favorite scriptures

"Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted here on earth"

This scripture brings such peace and comfort in such an unpredictable world,  when at times we don't understand the events of this life and we struggle to understand why things happen. I believe that all things happen for a reason, and that we are not in control God is. He knows our hearts, and our desires. He feels our pain and hears our prayers, and sometimes the answer just needs to be as simple as "Be still and know that I am God"

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Cianna's preschool picnic

Cianna had a picnic at young living farms today. Her little friend Blake came up and took her hand and off they went. I heard him teaching her how to skip rocks in the water. She asks to play at his house every time they have school. It was just so cute!